Send it in a Letter
3 months and 4 days till I become Mrs Kayley Jane Facey
I can not tell if I am more scare and anxious or super excited. Im not scared about marrying him, I knew from the first week i met him I was going to marry him, but standing in front of all them people...arghhhh
Im so anxious about how close it is aswell because i still have sooo much do. I still have the last few invites to send out, its thats crazy. At least they are all finished with now though. It was a very much long winded process.
I knew how i sort of wanted them and what i wanted to include in them, it was just a matter of getting it all drawn up, edited, printed and put together with a few fiddly hand bits along the way...
(first initial sketch)
Once I had my sketch for the main imagery sorted out i scanned the image in and produced the wording on my trusty mac.
Then a few lines and swirls added in around it and i had the main informative part of the invite done anddusted.
(finished evening reception invite)
Next was my R.S.V.Ps. I didnt want the usual plain returns that you normally see, i very much wanted all the aspects of these invites to be very visual.
but at the same time i didnt want the returns to be too over the top.
(Printed and ready for the scissors)
Next came the not so fun bit of making the Accomodation List and Directions. because there was going to be a vast amount of information and wording on here i wanted to keep the imagery very simple again.
Now i had all the contents of the wedding invitations printed out on our snazzy paper and put in order it was a matter of next large task
envelope making
This took what felt like forever. i made each envelope by hand, drawing up the pattern, cutting it out and glueing it together. All the large red envlopes to hold everything in and all the little red envelopes for the R.S.V.Ps to be returned in.
however long winded it was i definately felt it added the personal touch to the invites and everyone so far has commented on how unique they are.
So well worth it i think!!
(Stuffing Envelopes)
And the last part of it all was creating what it was to be sent in.
I knew that i did not want the usual envelope that gets opened and then discarded. So i opted for a fold out envelope that the information can be attached to.
Once again i drew out my own pattern and cut them all out one by one. I must say this was the easiest part to it all and the most rewarding because once they were all cut out and everything attached to them, i could look at thefinished piece.
I was so happy with them.
It was then a matter of the finishing touches, i few gems here and there and the names and address and then...
the wax seal!!!!